Japanese Cheat Sheet Pack by Nihonshock.com » 2012 » July

Archive for July, 2012

Now Available on Amazon.com!

As of yesterday, Nihonshock’s Japanese Cheat Sheet Pack is now available on Amazon.com! Here’s link to the product page:

Japanese Cheat Sheet Pack by Nihonshock.com

I’m a newbie to selling on Amazon, so I will have to look into various ways to improve the page. Since Nihonshock (not Amazon) packages and ships these sheets there is no “Free super-saver shipping” option available. Sorry. I may look into the “fulfilled by Amazon” program later if I can get sufficient order volume.

Additionally, I’ve little choice but to charge for shipping, in part to make up for the higher fees that Amazon requires compared to Paypal.

Note: Shipping for Paypal orders will remain free (within North America) for the foreseeable future.

Anyway, I would be very grateful to anyone who reviews the cheat sheet and/or adds it to any relevant lists they might have, to help improve the Cheat Sheet Pack’s visibility. 🙂


Backorder lifted

Good news! The lamination of the cheat sheets finished ahead of schedule and pending orders will be sent out on Friday, July 27th.


Known Bugs: Furigana

Although I tried my very hardest to make the cheat sheets perfect, there were bound to be a few things that slipped through. Thankfully, the mistakes on the sheets are limited to minor color mis-coordination and a handful of erroneous furigana (the pronunciation guides written above the kanji).

I do not think these errors are detrimental to the value of the set as a whole or else I would not be selling them.

What I am doing to fix this

These errors will be corrected in future print runs, but that could be between 3 months to a year away (depending on how well they sell). Believe me, I want these fixed just as much as you do.

But honestly, I’m deep in the red already and simply cannot afford a re-run right now. So here’s what I’m offering: when the next batch is printed, you may mail back to me the introduction/legend sheet from your 1st-batch print. When I receive it, I will send you an updated set. No charge to you except the postage to send the introduction sheet (and I don’t care if you bend it, either).

Update (November 6, 2012): After several months of selling these I now have a better handle on the money side of things, and I can see that it was reckless and naive of me to think that I could just replace hundreds of cheat sheet sets for free. Therefore, I’m forced to alter this offer: for orders AFTER November 6, 2012 (easy to remember, right? It’s US presidential election day), customers will be able offered a 40% discount ($15 + S&H) on a new set of cheat sheets (when the next batch is run). If you ordered a set ON OR BEFORE November 6, I will replace it for free as previously promised. In either case, it’s still looking like the 2nd batch is a year away.

I will announce the printing of the next batch on this site, also on Facebook and Twitter. I will also notify by email if you request that I do so (message me via the contact form)

Okay, here’s a list of known errors:

Advanced Grammar

  • In “にかけては”, the furigana for 暗算 should be: あんざん
  • In “に限って”, the furigana for 忙 should be: いそが
  • In “か否か”, the furigana for 分 includes か, but should not


  • In “~ませ”, the furigana for 越 includes し, but should not
  • In “様 Expressions”, the furigana for 馳走様 includes ご, but should not

Natural Japanese

  • In “TE から vs. TA あと”, the furigana for 食 includes べ, but should not

Beyond Vocabulary

  • In “何 Expressions”, the furigana for 何気 should be: なにげ
  • In “Idiomatic Expressions”, the furigana for 油 should be: あぶら

Please feel free to leave a comment if you notice any that aren’t on this list! Thanks!


Digital Version

I’ve received quite a few emails and comments since I announced these sheets from people who want a digital version.

First of all I want you to know it’s coming. While I personally think that cheat sheets are most useful as a printed item, I realize that not only are there portability advantages, many people are just more comfortable with digital formats.

However, digital and print are two inherently different mediums, so I want to do more than just a point-blank PDF export of the cheat sheets.

In print medium, we have one tall sheet with two sides. In digital, there is one wide “sheet”, without a second side. Obviously, the layout should reflect this.

Also, in a digital medium, it’s possible to add information and/or extra sheets without worrying about print and lamination and shipping costs, so adding a new sheet to the set is a viable possibility that I will be considering.

As to the question of when a digital version will be available, I can’t say anything with certainty at this point. Currently my priority is getting the print version out of the start-up phase and operating like a real business. After that I’ll be able to pursue the digital version.

I hope to have something for you well before Christmas. 🙂

Please feel free to comment and leave any suggestions you have for the digital version.

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