Japanese Cheat Sheet Pack by Nihonshock.com » Numbers and Time (PDF Version)

Numbers and Time (PDF Version)

Improve your Japanese, for the price of a cup of coffee

Numbers and Time PDF versionBuy Now (USD $2.50)
Or, buy together with the Onomatopoeia cheat sheet (PDF) for $4 USD

Numbers and Time is the first sheet (other than the always-free Basic Japanese cheat sheet) in the pack to be offered digitally. Please check the description of the paper Numbers and Time sheet to learn more about what’s on it, if you haven’t already.

The PDF is available for just $2.50 USD, and is an excellent option, not only for people who want a digital version of this useful reference, but for anyone who is curious about the full pack and wants to take a peek inside.

Digital Version Features

  • The format is wide and single-page, just like your computer screen
  • Text is selectable
  • Colors have been adjusted for best on-screen display
  • 100% text/vector-based, meaning small file size (under 250KB) and complete zoom-ability
  • Minor layout improvements such as line spacing, etc.
  • New section added: “Days of the Week”, containing the vocabulary for Monday through Sunday
  • Instant digital delivery


For the price of a cup of coffee, this sheet is an outstanding resource to add to your learning materials collection. So what are you waiting for?

Buy Now (USD $2.50)

IMPORTANT: You’ll also want to make sure you download the Legend and Conventions sheet (which is free), so that you can understand the icons and conventions used on this and all of Nihonshock.com’s cheat sheets.
